Magazines - Revues
Update Tijdschriften - Magazines - Revues - May 2020
Country Edition | Magazine | Editor | N° | Start Date | # | Description | |
1 | Argentina | El Grafico | Instituto Verificador de Circulaciones, Buenos Aires | 1001,1063, 1100, 1127, 1152, 1159,1168, 1216, 1266, 1269, 1270, 1277, 1283, 1345, 1376, 1379, 1475, 1495, 1497, 1507, 1528, 1529, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1636, 1671,1681, 1682, 1733, 1736, 1738, 1774,1888, 1950, 2282, 2745,3163, 3164, 3192 | 1947 | 44 | General sports magazine. As from October 1947 until December 1980. Most articles about important matches, championships and players in Argentina. Articles about Carrera, the Navarra brothers, Enrique Navarra, Debole, Lopez, Gomez, Hoppe, Ceulemans, Bonomo, Conti, Vingerhoedt. With lots of photos |
2 | Argentina | Mundo Deportivo | 2, 3, 12, 14, 15, 37, 52, 57, 60, 74, 76, 77, 86, 89, 92,108, 117, 123, 170, 175, 178, 186, 200, 202, 219, 220, 223, 228, 234, 237, 240, 249, 266, 270, 274, 275, 286, 287, 288, 295, 306, 310, 340, 336 | 1949 | 44 | General sports magazine. As from April 1949. Most articles about important matches, championships and players in Argentina. Articles about Carrera, the Navarra brothers, E. Navarra, Lopez, Ceulemans, Vingerhoedt, de Gregorio, Vergez, Bonomo. With lots of photos | |
3 | Argentina | PBT | PBT, Buenos Aires | 826, 840, 868, 926, 943 | 1952 | 5 | July 1952 - October 1954. Colorful magazine (~ 150 pages) about entertainment, politics and sports. They all have a column about billiards with a photo. Subjects : Augusto Vergez, clubs in Buenos Aires, WC-ship 3-cushion in Buenos Aires 1952, Carrera, Navarra, ... |
4 | Argentina | Marfil | Federacion Argentina de Billar, Buenos Aires | 1-4, 6,7, 8, 9?, 10, 11 | 1953 | 10 | July 1953 - December 1957. Official billiards magazine edited by the Argentina billiards federation. Seems to have been published irregular. N° 9 soes not mention a number neither exact time of publication. N° 6-9 probably owned by Bernard Siguret who must have been in Buenos Aires for a WC-ship 3-C). 6-9 are original the other ones are b&w copies. |
5 | Argentina | Caras y Caretas | Caras y Caretas, Buenos Aires | 2174, 2176 | 1954 | 2 | 1954. Drawing match Carrera (p.50), photo of Peron cueing for the 1954 professional WC-ship 3-cushion. |
6 | Argentina | Todo es Historia | Honegger S.A.I.C. | 21, 220, 366, 472 | 1969 | 2 | 1/1969, 8/1985, 1/1998, 11/2006. History of the cafés, bars & hotels in Argentina & Buenos Aires, games |
7 | Argentina | Panorama | Panorama, Buenos Aires | 264 | 1972 | 1 | 18 - 24 May, 1972. Article about Raymond Ceulemans at the occasion of the WC 3 Cushion in Buenos Aires. |
8 | Argentina | GENTE y la Actualidad | Gente | 520 | 1975 | 1 | July 10 1975. Article about Ezequiel Navarra who was 54 at the time. (this magazine also reports about the political crisis in Argentina) |
9 | Argentina | El Arca | Del Nuevo Siglo, Buenos Aires | 58/59 | 2006 | 2 | May 2006. La carmbola, Secretos de un juego de ciencia by Jorge Lomuto. |
10 | Argentina | Fervor de Buenos Aires | Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires | Ano 1, N°8 | 1 | Bares de Buenos Aires | |
11 | Austria | billard | Heinrich Weingartner | 1-314 | 1988 | 314 | February 1988 - ongoing |
12 | Austria | Billiard News | OABV | 6/88, 8/88, 8/89 | 1988 | 3 | 1988 - 1989 |
13 | Austria | European Billiard News | European Pocket Billiard Federation | 3 copies | 1989 | 3 | 1989, April 1993 |
14 | Belgium | Le Billard | Rue Magnan 2, Bruxelles. | n° 8 | 1879 | 1 | B&w copy. Volume 1. Brussel, Rue Magnan 2. October 1, 1879. 4 pages, n°8. Le numéro 15 centimes. |
15 | Belgium | Le Billard | Bd du Hainaut 107, Bruxelles | 1 | 1902 | 1 | B&w copy. Numéro 1, première année. January 12, 1902. Le numéro 80 centimes. Abonnement par an : 6 Francs. 8 pages. |
16 | Belgium | Le Billard Amateur. Organe mensuel des Académies et Clubs de Billard. | Bd du Nord 62, Bruxelles | 22 | 1908 | 1 | B&w copy. 3me année, n°22. January, 1908. Abonnement 1fr/an de septembre à mars. 4 pages. |
17 | Belgium | La Vie Moderne. Revue Universelle Illustrée, hebdomadaire. | 33, Rue Joseph Stevens, Bruxelles | 6 copies not numbered. Each copy has a chapter about billiards. | 24/mrt | 6 | March 4, March 25, April 8, April 22, October 14, December 16, 1910 - International tournaments, Belgian championships, diagrams, Senn, Poensgen, Mortier, Artus, de Drée. Article on the death of Jacob Schaeffer sr. Vignaux, Gibelin, Robert Glorieux, Joyer, Labouret, Klinger,Pepermans, Sanchez, François, Sels, ... |
18 | Belgium | De Biljart. Orgaan der Vlaamsche Liefhebbers. | Prins-Albrechtstraat 113, Sint-Amandsberg. | 7 | 1911 | 1 | B&w copy. 1ste jaargang n°7. June 7, 1911. 10 centiemen het nummer. 4 pages. |
19 | Belgium | Het Biljart. Maandblad gewijd aan het Biljartspel. | Vestingstraat 244, Berchem-Antwerpen. | 1 | 1914 | 1 | B&w copy. 1ste Jaargang, n°1. March 1914. Abonnementsprijs 3 fr/jaar, buitenland 4 fr/jaar. 16 pages. |
20 | Belgium | Les Sports Illustrées | L. Van den Haute | N° 477, June 10 1930 | 1930 | 1 | Brussels player Victor Luypaerts becomes World Champion Balkline 45/2 in the city of Antwerp. |
21 | Belgium | Billard-Match | FRBB-KBBB | 24, 31, 34 to 40 | 1947 | 9 | June 1947 - October 1948 (n°31 is a facsimile) |
22 | Belgium | LE BILLARD - HET BILJART | Roger Wuytack, Ghent. With support of the KBBL - FRBB | Jaargang 1 : 1 - 12, Jaargang 2 : 1 - 4 | 1950 | 16 | This magazine mainly about carom billiards in Belgium and the international championships was printed in a newspaper format. One side in Dutch with heading HET BILJART, the other side upside down in French heading LE BILLARD.September 1950 - March 1952 |
23 | Belgium | SportClub | Tuesday October 13, 1953. | 1953 | 1 | Contains photo of the 1953 3-cushion WC-ship in Antwerp. | |
24 | Belgium | Brabant * Billard | FRBB-KBBB/Gewest Brabant | 37 copies | 1954 | 37 | Oct 1, 1954 - Dec 1, 1956 |
25 | Belgium | De Biljarter | KBBB-FRBB/Gewest Antwerpen | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 1955 | 4 | Nov 1955 - April 1956 |
26 | Belgium | Sportfiguren VAN HEDEN | Schroeyers, Clerck, Antwerpen | 2nd year n° 1, Jan 1955 | 1955 | 1 | All 24 pages dedicated to the life and billiard career of René Vingerhoedt, triple WC in 3C and artistic billiards. |
27 | Belgium | Billard sport | KBBB-FRBB | 1 to 213 | 1957 | 213 | January 1957 - June/July 1980 (n°20 legacy Bernard Siguret) |
28 | Belgium | Le Billard | CEB | 1-104 (and doubles) | 1959 | 104 | Jan 1959 - April 1988 (11&16 legacy Bernard Siguret) |
29 | Belgium | Biljartrevue | 1, 2, 3 | 1960 | 3 | 1960 - 1961 | |
30 | Belgium | Biljart-Echo | Biljart-Echo | 1 to 30 (end) | 1966 | 30 | Oct 1966 - Sept 1973 |
31 | Belgium | Champions et Vedettes | Editions 'G.V.P.', Liège | N° 150, 14ième année, 1966 | 1966 | 1 | At the occasion of the 60th anniversary of "L'Académie Liégoise de Billard". |
32 | Belgium | Maandblad Biljartvereniging "De Boerinnekens" | BV De Boerinnekens | 1-6, 8 Jaargang 1. 1-9, Jaargang 2. 1-6, Jaargang 3. | 1967 | 21 | August 1966 - January 1967. Offset. Every year has a different colour. Contains detailed results of their International Penthathlon Tournaments and all other club results. |
33 | Belgium | Le Partriote Illustré | S.A. d(Edition des Journaux du Patriote, Brussels | 5 | 1970 | 1 | Feb 1 1970. Two pages about the production of billiard balls by "Les Usines de Callenelle" (Tournai, Belgium). By then the now changed into Saluc (Aramith balls) and currently the company has been taken over by Simonis, the billiards cloth market leader. |
34 | Belgium | UMB Bulletin Trimestriel | UMB. Georges Troffaes, Brussels - Léon Hontelé, Ridderkerk. | 43 copies | 1970 | 43 | L'Union Mondiale de Billard, cédant aux sollicitations des Confédérations d'outre-mer, a décidé d'éditer un bulletin trimestriel. Jan 1970-1985. 1,2,5,7-19,21-25,27-31,33,34,36-43,45,47-62 |
35 | Belgium | La Galerie des Champions et Vedettes populaires | Editions 'G.V.P.', Liège | N° 216, 22ième année, 1974 | 1974 | 1 | Magazine about Alphonse Pieltain, champion de Belgique présenté par Marcel Grosjean. |
36 | Belgium | Humo | Jean Dupuis N.V., Brussels | n° 1863 | 1976 | 1 | Independent magazine for radio and television. Contains an interview with Raymond Ceulemans about his life and billiard career. May 20, 1976. |
37 | Belgium | Biljart . Billard | KBBB-FRBB | 1 to 94 | 1980 | 94 | December 1980 - June/August 1990 |
38 | Belgium | Biljart International | Rob van der Steen | 1 to 560 | 1989 | 553 | Feb 1989 - 29/1/2002 (missing 270, 272, 328, 330, 412, 482, 500, 561 - 853) |
39 | Belgium | BWA Newsletter | BWA | 4 copies | 1990 | 4 | Official issue of the Billiards Worldcup Association. 1990: 3-5. 1992:2. |
Belgium | Voetbalmagazine | Roularta Media, Roeselare | JG12 N°51/52 | 1993 | 1 | 3-page interview with Raymond Ceulemans among the clash between amateur and professional competition. | |
40 | Belgium | De Biljart Ballen | Duo Print | 1 | 2011 | 1 | September 2011, October 2011 (5), October/November 2011, November/December 2011, December 2011/ January 2012 (2), January 2012, February 2012 (3), March 201 (2), April 2012 (2), May/June 2012, August/September 2012 (3) |
41 | Belgium | Citta (Gazet Van Antwerpen) | NV De Vlijt, Antwerpen | 61 | 2013 | 1 | October 12, 2013. Citta is a weekend magazine added to the Gazet Van Antwerpen, a newspaper edited in Antwerp. It contains 12 pages about billiards, promoting the 3-cushion WC-ship in Antwerp held from October 16-20 2013 in the Antwerp Lotto Arena hal. Among which a large article about René Gabriels, the founder of the Gabriels billiard factory and 7x worldchampion balkline. |
42 | Danmark | Billard | DDBU | 1 | 1988 | 1 | March 1988 |
43 | Danmark | Billard Sports | Den Danske Billard Union | 1,2 | 1993 | 2 | Jan 1993 - June 1993 |
44 | France | La Revue Illustrée des Jeux, des Arts, du Sport | Arnous de Rivière, Paris | Nov 1878 - Feb 1882 | 1878 | 171 | Tôme I - II : First year n° 1-59, 16/11/1878 - 27/12/1879. Tôme III - IV : n° 60 -111, 3/1/1880 - 25/12/1880. 3rd Album : N° 112-171, 1/1/1881 - 18/2/1882. Always appeared on Saturday. Nearly every copy contains a "billiard problem" and depending on the actuality some news articles about billiards. The 1/5/1880 copy contains the famous article of Edmond Graveleuse introducing the idea of balklines. |
45 | France | Le Journal illustré | Le Journal illustré, Paris | 17 | 1880 | 2 | 17th year n°17 (2 copies). Sunday, April 25, 1880. Cover drawing of the match Vignaux - Slosson and small article inside. Vignaux did win. |
46 | France | Le Monde Illustré | Based in Paris | 1298 | 1882 | 1 | Februay 11, 1882. Article and drawings about the famous Vignaux - Slosson match in Paris. |
47 | France | Le Petit Moniteur Illustré | 12, Quai Voltaire, Paris | 1 | 1893 | 1 | N°1 year 9, Jan 1 1893. Contains a drawing of Maurice Vignaux on the back page. |
48 | France | Les Nouvelles Illustrées | Imprimerie des Nouvelles Illustrées. 42, rue de la Victoire, Paris | N°30 | 1902 | 1 | Jeudi 18 Décembre 1902. Palying billiards wihtout a teacher. Showing a system with mirrors. |
49 | France | Le Sport Universelle Illustré | 1 copy. March 8, 1903 | 17/mrt | 1 | March 8, 1903. 3-page article with photo's of Vignaux, Curé, Slosson and Sutton on the occasion of the WC-ship balkline 45/2 (or 18:2 in inches) in Paris played at the Grand-Hôtel. | |
50 | France | Le Billard Sportif | F.F.A.B. | 2 (facsimile), 89 (incomplete), 110, 111, 113, 116 - 120, 122 - 125, 127 - 130, 132 - 136 | 1921 | 23 | Organe officiel de la Fédération Française des Amateurs de Billard et de la Société Francçaise d'encouragement au Billard. Secrétaire Général : A. Avé. Bd des Capucines, 3, Paris. December 1921 - February 1938. Le Billard Sportif was a billiard magazine of very high quality containing detailed articles, championship results and photos. |
51 | France | Le Billard Sportif | Organe officiel de la F.F.A.B. | As from January 1922 | 1922 | 8 | Organe officiel de la Fédération Française des Amateurs de Billard. Directeur: A. Avé. Paris. JG2 1922 3-5, JG3 1923 16&17&23, JG4 1924 24&27 |
52 | France | Le Billard Sportif illustré | Organe officiel de la F.F.A.B., de la Fédération Egyptienne des Amateurs de Billard, de la Fédération Suisse des Amateurs de Billard et de l'Union Internationale des Fédérations d'Amateurs de Billard. | 1926 | 1926 | 1 | January n° 1. Directeur Fondateur A. Avé. Probably temporary "follow up" magazine of Le Billard Sportif. |
53 | France | Système D | Paris | 91 | 1926 | 1 | March 14, 1926. Handyman magzine. Contains an article about how to make your own billiard table. |
54 | France | Clubs & Cafés - Tous les Jeux (Le Billard Sportif) | Tous les Jeux, Paris | December 1930 - December 1932 | 1930 | 25 | This album contains the first copy of Tous les Jeux. The goal was to publish a monthly magazine about games like billiards, chess, checkers, bridge, … The billiard magazine 'Le Billard Sportif' was a part of it. The album contains Tous les Jeux 1 - 18 (le billard sportif included 52-69) and afterwards only Le Billard Sportif (70-74). Le Billard Sportif was a billiard magazine of very high quality containing detailed articles, championship results and photos. It also contained some pages about checkers and chess. |
55 | France | Clubs & Cafés - Tous les Jeux (Le Billard Sportif) | Tous les Jeux, Paris | January & February 1931 | 1931 | 2 | Numbers 2 & 3. About different sports like cards, checkers and chess. Le Billard Sportif was a part of it, this was a billiard magazine of very high quality containing detailed articles, championship results and photos. |
56 | France | TOUS LES JEUX | Revue Mensuelle Illustrée directed by A. Avé. Mainly about billiards. | 15, 16, 19, 23 | 1932 | 4 | 2/1932 - 10/1932. Contains "Le Billard Sportif" about billiards and "Le Damier" on the game of checkers. |
57 | France | Le Billard Sportif | Organe officiel de la Fédération Française des Amateurs de Billard et de la Société Française d'Encouragement au Billard. G. Avé,Paris. | May 1938 - April 1939 | 1938 | 13 | Billard Sportif bundled numbers 138-150. Le Billard Sportif was a billiard magazine of very high quality containing detailed articles, championship results and photos. It also contained some pages about checkers and chess. |
58 | France | Les oeuvres livres | Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris | March 1939 | 1939 | 1 | Contains among 4 others the novel 'Académie de Billard' written by Louis Baldy. Only holds a small reference to the game of billiards in Paris (Vignaux, Hoppe, Schaeffer, Curé, Cassignol, Torchepoil) at the very beginning of the story. |
59 | France | Images de France - Plaisir de France | Images de France, Paris | May 1941 | 1941 | 1 | 3-Page article. "En marge de l'histoire : Le Billard" by Hélène Kernel. Containing a photo of Charles Faroux and his grandson Gérard. |
60 | France | Sport-Billard | Ligue de Billard de l'Ile-de-France | 15 | 1958 | 1 | Feb 1958 |
61 | France | Sport Billard | F.F.B. | 1 - 28,32, 35, 65, 91, 95 - 105, 108, 126 (and doubles) | 1959 | 45 | May/June 1959 - March 1962, Dec '69, Dec '04, Jan '05 (n° 8, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 65 plied, legacy Bernard Siguret). Interior mentions that the magazine was first published in 1956 by L.B.I.F. . |
62 | France | Le Billard Français | F.F.B. | 12 | 1974 | 1 | August, September 1974 (legacy Bernard Siguret) |
63 | France | Sport-Billard (Revue Mondial) | A.F.E.B. | 134, 137 - 155, 157 - 159, 164, 165 (and doubles) | 1974 | 25 | Follows in numbering and lay-out Sport Billard edited by F.F.B. Addition of Revue Mondiale to the title appears as from n° 142. Magazines in the collection date from Feb 1974 until Dec 1975. Information about e.g. Connesson, Vultink, Wesenbeek, Ceulemans. AFEB stands for Association Française d'Encouragement au Billard. |
64 | France | Le Billard Français | F.F.B. | 2, 5, 12, 23, 40, 42 - 44 | 1977 | 8 | July 1973 - Nov 1977. Revue mensuelle organe officiel de la fédération française de billard et ses ligues. Directeur de publication Fernand Bourgeois, Thionville. |
65 | France | le billard français sport billard | F.F.B. | 82 | 1981 | 1 | September 1981. Revue mensuelle organe officiel de la fédération française de billard et ses ligues. Directeur de publication André Heurtebise. Thionville. |
66 | France | France Billard | FFB | N° 2, 6, 19, 25, 29, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 78, 79, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 2*97, 2*98, 2*99, 2*100, 2*101, 2*103, 2*105, 2*107,2*109, 2*111, 2*113, 2*114, 2*115, 120, 122, 124, 142 | 1982 | 49 | March 1982-2000. Revue mensuelle organe officiel de la fédération française de billard et ses ligues. |
67 | France | L'Estampille | Archeologia S.A., Dijon | 1 | 1983 | 1 | N° 157 May 1983. Pp. 6 - 17 Article about billiard collectibles, mainly tables. |
68 | France | Billard international | 3 copies | 1992 | 3 | July/August 1992, Sept/Oct 1992, June 1995 | |
69 | France | Billard Sport | FFB | 151 - 158, 162 - 188, 203 - 212, 214 - 216 (some doubles) | 2002 | 57 | Successor of Billard France (continued numbering). Dating from January 2002 until Dec 2011. |
70 | Germany | Internationale Billard-Zeitung | Verlag der Internationale Billard-Zeitung, Halle a.S. | As from January 1900 | 1900 | 9 | JG2 1900 1-9 |
71 | Germany | Billard-Welt | Offizielles Organ des Deutschen Billard-Clubs …, Berlin | As from October 1913 | 1913 | 11 | JG1 1-3, JG2 1-8/9 |
72 | Germany | Billard-Zeitung. Moderne illustrierte Zeitschrift für die Billardsport. | Offizielles Organ des Deutschen Amateur-Billard-Bundes u. angeschlossener Clubs sowie des Deutschen Billardmeister-Verbandes. Berlin. | As from 1913 | 1913 | 14 | JG15 1-12, JG16 1-2 |
73 | Germany | Kladderadatsch | Verlag Hofman, Berlin | 23 | 1932 | 23 | June 5, 1932. Political satiric magazine. Comics page about French soldiers playing billiards with "Russian" and "Polish" balls. |
74 | Germany | Billard-Zeitung | Verband Deutscher Billard Amateure | 100 copies | 1953 | 100 | January 1953 - April 1963. 30.JG: 7-12. 31.JG : 7-12. 32.JG: 1, 3-12. 33. JG:1-12. 34. JG: 1-4, 6-12. 35. JG : 1 - 6. 36. JG : 2-3,7-12. 37.JG : 1-12. 38.JG : 3-12. 39.JG : 1-12. 40.JG : 1-5,10.. |
75 | Germany | Der Billard Sport | "Mitteilungsblatt der Sektion Billard der DDR | 120 copies | 1955 | 120 | Part I. Album . JG 1 1955 : 1-3, 5-12 (11/12 Doppeltnummer) JG 2 1956 : 1-12. JG 3 1957 : 1-12. JG 4 1958 : 1-12 (1/2 Doppeltnummer). JG 5 1959 : 1-12. JG 6 1960 : 1-12 (12/1 59/60 Doppeltnummer). Part II. Separate numbers. April 1957 until July 1962. 1957: 4-9, 11,12. 1958: 1-12. 1959: 1-12. 1960: 1-12. 1961: 1-12. 1962: 1-7. |
76 | Germany | Billard Zeitung | DBB | 1 | 1963 | 1 | October 4, 1963 - 41. Jahrgang (legacy Bernard Siguret) |
77 | Germany | Billard Sport | DBB | 231 copies + doubles | 1968 | 231 | March 1968 - April 1991. JG61 7-12. JG46: 3. JG48: 10-11. JG49: 1-12. JG50: 1-12. JG51: 1-12. JG52: 1-12. JG53: 1-12. JG54: 1-12. JG55: 2-12. JG56: 1-2,4-5,7-11. JG57: 2,4,6,9,12. JG58: 1-12. JG59: 1-12. JG60: 1-12. JG61: 1-6. JG62: 1-12. JG63: 1-12.JG64: 1-11. JG65: 1-11.JG66: 1-11. JG67: 1-11. JG68: 1-11. JG69: 1-4. |
78 | Germany | Billard | "Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Billard-Sport-Verbandes der DDR | 70 copies | 1987 | 70 | 1987 -1990. JG29:7-9,11-12.JG30:1-2,5-12.JG31: 1-12. JG32: 1-12. JG33: 1-12.JG34: 1-12. JG35: 4, 7-12. JG36: 6,9,11/12. |
79 | Germany | Bande | Michael Dangel, Horst Arndt | 2 copies | 1989 | 2 | Zeitschrift zu den Bundesmeisterschaften Einband, Cadre 52/2 und Mannschafts-Vierkampf von 28.4 bis 6.5 1989 |
80 | Germany | Theater der Zeit | Henschel Verlag, Berlin | feb/91 | 1991 | 1 | February 1991. This magazine contains the complete translation in German of the theater play "Billard" by the Russian Wladimir Gubarew. Play in 3 acts translated by Ulrike Zemme. |
81 | Germany | Billard life | Saarländischen Billard-Union | 1 copy | 1992 | 1 | 2/'92 |
82 | Germany | Anstoss | DBU | 15 copies + double | 1993 | 15 | Nov 1993.Nov 1994. 1997: 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11. 1998: 5,9.May 1999, 2000 :2. 2001:9 |
83 | Germany | Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin | Süddeutsche Zeitung | February 12, 1993 | 1993 | 1 | 8 pages article "Ausgestossen" about the fall of billiards in the Belgian cafés. Contains beautiful photo's. |
84 | Germany | Billard Sport Magazin | DBU | 58 copies | 1996 | 58 | This magazine was the follow-up of Billard sport. - Dec 1996. JG68: 8-11. JG70: 1-4, 6-11. JG71: 1-11. JG72: 1-11. JG73: 1-4,6-11. JG74: 1-12. |
85 | Germany | Billard talk | Eddie, Essen | 2 copies | 2005 | 2 | Apr/May 2005, Aug/Nov 2005 |
86 | Germany | touch | Achim Gharbi, Eichenbühl | Pocet book 2009,2010,1,5,7,8,9,12,13,15,18,28-36 | 2009 | 23 | 2009- April 2017 + free copies for the European carom championships 2013. German magazine covering all cue sport games. |
87 | Italy | biliardo match | Fiabs | 3 | 1980 | 3 | April 1980, Mei 1987,Juni 1988 |
88 | Netherlands | De Revue der Sporten | 1 copy | 1909 | 1 | 3de jaargang N° 29, 1 december 1909. 4 page article about the billiards game with photo's of many players of that era. | |
89 | Netherlands | De Biljartwereld | KNBB/District Amsterdam | 67 copies | 1930 | 67 | "Halfmaandelijksch Blad. Offic. Orgaan van den Nederlandschen Biljartbond en van de vereenigingen "K.R.A.S.", "Rembrandt", "Watergraafsmeer", "Amsterdam" en "Sarphati" te Amsterdam, de "'s-Gravenhaagsche Biljartclub" te 's-Gravenhage, de "Friesche Biljartclub" te Leeuwarden, "De Maasstad", B.V. "Caland" te Rotterdam en B.V. "Noord-Brabant" te Utrecht". February 15, 1930 - January 31, 1933. JG6: 1-24. Remark n°4 has been missnumbered as n°3. JG7: 1-10, 14-19, 21-24. JG8: 1-13, 15-24. |
90 | Netherlands | biljart | KNBB | 291 copies + doubles | 1946 | 291 | August 1946 -February 1994. JG1 3-9, 11-12. JG2 4, 6-9, 12. JG3 1,3-5, 7-12. JG4 4, 12. JG5 Jubileumnummer 1911-1951. JG6 5, 8, 10. JG8 5, 8. JG9 9, 10. JG10 1-3, 5,6. JG11 3-12. JG12 1-2. JG13 1-12. JG14 2-9. JG15 1-12. JG16 1-6, 8-12. JG17 1, 3-12. JG18 1, 7. JG28 3-6, 10. JG30 7-12. JG31 1-6, 8-11. JG32 1-11. JG33 1-12, JG34 1-11. JG35 1-9, 11. JG36 1-11, JG37 1-9, JG38 1-11, JG39 1-15. JG40 1-10, JG41 1-11. JG42 5-11. JG45 11. JG46 1, 3-12. JG47 1-8, 10-12. JG48 1-12. JG49 1-12, (JG 6 n° 5, JG 9 n° 10 legacy Bernard Siguret) |
91 | Netherlands | de carambole | KNBB/District Amsterdam | 41 copies | 1957 | 41 | November 1952 - December 1957. JG6: 12. JG7: 1, 3-12. JG8: 1-3, 5-12. JG9: 1-5. JG11: 1-12. JG12: 1. |
92 | Netherlands | de carambole | KNBB/District Amsterdam | 23 copies | 1960 | 23 | June 1960 - August 1962. JG14: 7, 8, 10,11. JG15: 1-7, 9, 11,12. JG16: 1-9. |
93 | Netherlands | Biljart Magazine | Set Point, Breda | 1 to 34 | 1986 | 34 | Dec 1986 - April 1990 |
94 | Netherlands | Biljart & Pool Magazine | Set Point, Breda | 35 to 53 | 1990 | 19 | May 1990 - March 1992 |
95 | Netherlands | Driebandennieuws | Francis Productions, Rotterdam | 280 copies + doubles | 1992 | 277 | JG 7 92/93: 11, 13-19, 21-35. JG 8 93/94: 1, 9-11, 13-17, 19-23. :JG 9 93/94: 23-29, 31-40. JG 11 96/97: 1-3, 5-40. JG 12 97/98: 1-18. JG 14 99/00: 2-34. JG 15 00/01: 17-40. JG 16 01/02 3-16, 19-31, 34-40. JG 17 02/03: 1-34, 36-40. JG 18 03/04 2-12, 14, 15, 17-40. JG 19 04/05: 1-3 |
96 | Netherlands | World Report 3-Cushion | Francis Productions B.V. | 1-143 complete + doubles | 1993 | 143 | January 1993 - December 2005 |
97 | Netherlands | Biljart Totaal | KNBB | 104 copies + doubles | 1995 | 104 | 1995 -2010. JG50 1-12. JG51: 3-12. JG52 1-9, 11, 12. JG53: 1-6, 10-12. JG54: 2,3,6-11. . JG 55 1-12. JG56: 1-12. JG57: 1-12. JG58: 1-12. JG59: 1, 3-10. JG60 1-3, 6-9, 11. JG62 10. JG 63 1. JG 65 5, 7/8. |
98 | Netherlands | Driebanden Seizoenspecial | Francis Productions, Rotterdam - Coolegem Media | Special edition Driebandennieuws | 1996 | 7 | 1996/1997, 2006/2007,2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013 |
99 | Netherlands | De Biljartballen | Duo Print | 2011 | 30 | September 2011, first copy of the Flemish edition of De Ballen. Signed by Reginald De Poorter, president KBBB, Bart Van Reeth , redactie and Ad Smout, editor. - several copies ongoing | |
100 | Portugal | Le Billard Mondial | UMB | 8 copies | 1986 | 9 | Magazine published by the UMB. Oct 1986: 1. 1987: 2-4. 1988: 1-3. 1989: 1. |
101 | Portugal | Bilhar | Federacao Portuguesa de Bilhar | May 94 -3 | 1994 | 1 | Billiards and Pool magazine |
102 | Spain | Estampa | Estampa, Madrid | 181 | 1931 | 1 | June 27, 1931. Article about Enrique Miro Marti, the first Spanish WC. |
103 | Spain | Billar | Organo de la Federacion Espanola de Afficionades al Billar, Barcelona | N°3, July-October 1944 | 1944 | 1 | Revista tecnica y de informacion. |
104 | Spain | Marca, Semanario Grafico de los Deportes | Marca, Madrid | 252, 592, 600 | 1947 | 3 | September 1947. Large cover photo of Domingo and large 2page article with photo's with Van de Woestyne about the WC Balkline 45/2 won by van de Pol. EC Pentathlon 2 pager Won by Domingo, Vingerhoedt, Vervest, Galmich, Ferras, Lutgehetman. June 1954. Large cover photo of Raymond Steylaerts and article inside with photo's at the occasion of his victory at the EC Artistic Billiards in Madrid. |
105 | Spain | El Billar | BC San Sebastian | 22 copies | 1967 | 22 | Dec 1967 - Dec 1971. Nrs 7, 8, 11 - 31. Revista bimestral ilustrada, organo informativo del Billar Club de San Sebastian. |
106 | Spain | 7 Fechas | 7 Fechas, Madrid | dec/72 | 1972 | 1 | 9-Page article written by Pio Garcia Violas titled :"Billar tiene su historia". Article about the history of billiard sport in Spain. By 1972 Spanish players won 10 World titles and 17 European. |
107 | Spain | Billar Catalan | 1 | 1981 | 1 | N° 1, Junio 1981. Overview of local and international champions, also containing some results. | |
108 | Spain | El Billar | Federacion Espanol de Billar | 11 copies | 1985 | 11 | 1985: 0. 1987: 10. 1988: 12-13. 1989: 18. 1991: 23-27. 1992: 28. |
109 | Spain | El Pais Semanal | Prisa, Madrid | 444 | 1985 | 1 | Oct 13, 1985. 6 page article on the status of the game of billiards in Spain at that time. |
110 | Switzerland | billard suisse | Chippis | 6 copies | 6 | JG21:10. JG22:6-10. | |
111 | Tsjechië | Billard Revue | 21 copies | 1987 | 21 | Jan 1987 - Jan 1991 : 7 - 23. Jan, Feb, April 1994, July 2000. | |
112 | Turkey | Bilardo Diamond | Avni Köksal, Ankara | 1 copy | 1993 | 1 | July 1993 n°2 |
113 | Turkey | Bilardo magazin | Istanbul | 3 copies | 1994 | 3 | 1994 - information about Turkish Billard sport and 3 cushion world cups |
114 | U.S.A. | Billiards Magazine | Billiards Magazine Inc, Chicago | Years 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1928 | 1915 | 122 | Electronic copies. Downloaded from Many thanks to Mr. Ursitti for opening this part of his wonderful collection to the public! Contains tons of information about carom billiards (balkline, 3-cushion) played in that era in the U.S. |
115 | U.S.A. | The Literary Digest | The Literary Digest, New York | n° 1840 | 1925 | 1 | July 25, 1925. Publicity about the Belgenland, the ship with which professional players Horemans and Van Leemput "set sail" to the U.S. Article about Marc Twain and his love with the game of carom billiards. |
116 | U.S.A. | Popular Mechanics Magazine | H.H. Windsor | 2 | 1935 | 2 | September 1935: "Billiards and How to Play It" 4-page article by Willie Hoppe. November 1946: Containing the famous 12 page article by/about Willy Hoppe on 3 cushion billiards with the stroboscopic photo's detailing the path of the balls. |
117 | U.S.A. | Sport | Macfadden Publications, New York | 1 | 1951 | 1 | January 1951. Article about Willie Hoppe "…and still Champion". Pp. 46 - 48, 93 - 95. Contains a beautiful 1-page color photo of Hoppe. |
118 | U.S.A. | Sports Illustrated | Time Inc., Chicago | 1 | 1954 | 1 | November 15, 1954. Article about Willie Hoppe "KID WITH A CUE" pp. 82 -83. Contains 3 photo's of which of one taken at the start of a (the 1906 WC match ??) match of balkline billiards in Paris against Maurice Vignaux with Comte de Dré as referree. |
119 | U.S.A. | Chalk Up! | A.E. Schmidt Co. Saint Louis, Mo. | 39 copies bundled in 1 album. | 1961 | 39 | The first 5 years of Chalk Up! A newsletter for Billiard and Recreation Room Management. Written by billiard proprietors and Players. January 1961 - Oct/Nov/Dec 1965. |
120 | U.S.A. | Billiards Digest | National Bowlers Journal Inc., Chicago | 6 copies | 1988 | 6 | Sept 1988 - April 1990. Started in 1978/1979. Also holds interesting articles about carom billiards from Mike Shamos and Robert Byrne. |
121 | U.S.A. | BCA Break | Billard Congress of Amerika, Ohio | 1 | 1999 | 1 | April/May 1999 |
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